+2 Exam 2025 to Begin From February 18


Bhubaneswar: The Plus Two Exam 2025 in Odisha will to begin from February 18, informed the Council of Higher Secondary Education (CHSE) today. The annual exams will be held for both the regular and ex-regular students of Science, Arts, Commerce, Correspondence and Vocational streams.

The Plus Two exam 2025 will begin with the MIL (O) of Science stream on February 18 and will conclude on March 27, with the Logic exams of Arts, Accountancy exam of the Commerce and All vocational stream trade subjects of Vocational stream.

As per the schedule, while the HS Internal Assessment will be held between December 23 and December 30, 2024, the annual +2 practical (regular & Ex-regular) examination will be held from January 1 to January 12, 2025.

As of now, a total of 3,91,809 candidates including 2,45,987 of Arts, 25,399 of Commerce, 1,14,723 of Science and 5,700 of Vocational stream have filled their forms for the annual exam which will be held at 1160 centres across the state, this includes 110 Upgraded Higher Secondary Schools.

Important information:

  1. The examination (Internal assessment/project, practical and theory) will be held as per the programme even if any of the date(s) is subsequently declared as holiday(s).
  2. Candidates are advised to enter the examination Centre 30 minutes before the commencement of the examination in a sitting, and enter the exam room/hall before 15 minutes of examination to occupy their seats allotted to them.
  3. 3 Before sitting, a candidate has to ensure that she/he has occupied the seat allotted to her/him.
  4. The examinations will be conducted under CCTV Surveillance. The Centre Superintendents are requested to ensure that CCTV is made functional in all examination halls well in advance of the commencement of examination and to see that CCTVs are functioning throughout all siting uninterruptedly.
  5. For the project evaluation and viva-voice in Commerce stream, groups are to be formed taking minimum 24 students in a group. Evaluation and viva-voice of a group is to be completed in two hours. The project evaluation and viva-voice shall be conducted by the concerned subject teacher of the institution only. There shall be no provision of external examination for this purpose.
  6. Question papers for internal assessment are to be prepared by the concerned subject teachers strictly following the pattern given vide notification No.1805/10.05.2024 and 3416/21.09.2024 of CHSE for regular candidates registered in 2023.
  7. Project work should be hand written by the students within 6 pages (A4 size paper) as assigned by the concerned subject teacher on the topic from the prescribed syllabus.
  8. The examinations of Biology of Sciences stream (Section A: Botany and Section B: Zoology) for both regular and ex-regular candidate will be held in a single sitting with a gap of 20 minutes in between. First the candidates shall be supplied with Biology Section-A (Botany) questions at 10 AM. After that, Biology section B (Zoology) question paper shall be given at 11.50 AM. after collection of answer booklets used by candidates for answering Biology Section-A (Botany) paper.
  9. All Regular candidates (registered in the year 2023) and Ex regular candidates (Registered upto 2022) shall have to appear AHs Examinalion-2025 with the syllabus and pattern as detailed in the CHSE Notification No.-ACD/09/2024/3014/ Dt. 20.08.2024.
  10. The duration of practical examination for integrated Vocational Practical subjects (IVs) and Vocational Trade Subjects will be three hours.
  11. For list of vocational stream trade papers (III & IV), please refer Annexure 1.
  12. The students under Distance Education (DE) will appear in their respective subjects (paper) in the sitting and date mentioned for Arts and Commerce streams.
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