Bhubaneswar: Chief Minister Mohan Majhi in his Republic Day speech started by paying tribute to and hailing the freedom fighters. He said that India has reached global heights in the last years.
Addressing the Odisha people in Republic Day, CM Majhi said that Odisha is progressing rapidly and also mentioned about the key role that women play in nation-building.
For their betterment the Odisha Government’s flagship scheme Subhadra Yojana was launched. Over 80 lakh women have received the first installment money, he said. As per the schedule, on March 8 on the occasion of International Women’s Day, the second phase Subhadra Yojana money will be distributed among the women said CM Majhi
Stressing on health facilities in Odisha, CM in his speech said that 3.5 crore people of one crore families will be enrolled in Ayushman card of the general public. This will be done from February he said.He also said that in a Democracy the voice of people is the voice of God.
He said that all the four doors of Jagganath temple was opened, Subhadra Yojana was launched and changes in MSP was done.
In order to elevate the infrastructure of the state, the government is working hard he added. Reformations in the Education system in Odisha will be brought about soon. To encourage technical education in Odisha, provisions will be done soon.
The farmers who have suffered crop losses will be given the necessary support from the government. Odisha government is giving its dedicated efforts for the upliftment of tribal people.
For investments in Odisha, opportunities will be created. To make Odisha a progressing nation, every step will be taken.