Bhubaneswar, March 30: With the advent of the scorching summer, ‘pakhala’ is back on the Odia menu.

To celebrate the occasion and popularize the quintessential Odia delicacy, the School of Hotel Management (SHM), faculty of hospitality and tourism management of the SOA University, has organized a five-day ‘Pakhala Festival’ from March 30 to April 3 for the public, according to its Dean Prof. Sitikantha Mishra.

“The main objective of organizing this unique event is to popularize the delectable Odia cuisine for food lovers of the city,” he said.

The students, who are organizing the event, have created a rural ambience resembling an Odisha village, showcasing rural culture, tradition, lifestyle as also its art and craft. Students dressed in traditional attire would provide the campus at Jagamara an ethnic touch.

The menu would include Usuna Pakhala, Arua Pakhala, Dahi Pakhala, Lembu Pakhala, Pudina Pakhala and Adrak Pakhala. Alongside would be the mouth-watering non-vegetarian dishes including Patrapoda Macha and Chingudi Chhecha, as also vegetarian preparations like Padrapoda Chhatu, Potala Alu bhaja, Alu Baigan bharta, Chhecha Masala Kalara, Kakharu phula pitha, Saga Badi bhaja, Kancha Amba Chhecha and Badi Chura.

The festival would be open to the public between 12 noon and 3 pm and both the vegetarian and non-vegetarian dishes had been priced Rs. 200 per thali.

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