Total foodgrains production in the country is estimated at record 271.98 MT


New Delhi, Feb 16: Total production of Rice is estimated at record 108.86 mt

Production of Wheat, estimated at 96.64 million tonnes is also a record

Production of Coarse Cereals estimated at a new record level of 44.34 million tonnes

Total production of pulses during 2016-17 is estimated at record 22.14 million tonnes

Total Oilseeds production in the country is estimated at record level of 33.60 million tonnes

2nd Advance Estimates of production of major crops for 2016-17 released

  1. The 2nd Advance Estimates of production of major crops for 2016-17 have been released by the Department of Agriculture, Cooperation and Farmers Welfare on 15th February, 2017. The assessment of production of different crops is based on the feedback received from States and validated with information available from other sources.
  2.  As per 2ndAdvance Estimates, the estimated production of major crops during 2016-17 is as under:

Foodgrains  –  271.98 million tonnes (record)

  • Rice  –  108.86  million tonnes (record)
  • Wheat – 96.64 million tonnes (record)
  • Coarse Cereals  –  44.34 million tonnes (record)
  • Maize  –  26.15 million tonnes (record)
  • Pulses  –  22.14 million tonnes (record)
  • Gram – 9.12 million tonnes
  • Tur  –  4.23 million tonnes (record)
  • Urad  –  2.89 million tonnes (record)

Oilseeds  –  33.60 million tonnes (record)

  • Soyabean  –  14.13 million tonnes
  • Groundnut  –  8.47 million tonnes
  • Castorseed – 1.74 million tonnes

Cotton  –  32.51 million bales (of 170 kg each)

Sugarcane – 309.98 million tonnes

  1. As a result of very good rainfall during monsoon 2016 and various policy initiatives taken by the Government, the country has witnessed record foodgrain production in the current year. As per Second Advance Estimates for 2016-17, total Foodgrain production in the country is estimated at 271.98 million tonnes which is higher by 6.94 million tonnes than the previous record production of Foodgrain of 265.04 million tonnes achieved during 2013-14.   The current year’s production is also higher by 14.97 million tonnes than the previous five years’ (2011-12 to 2015-16) average production of Foodgrains. The current year’s production is significantly higher by 20.41 million tonnes than the last year’s foodgrain production.
  2. Total production of Riceis estimated at record 108.86 million tonnes which is also a new record.  This year’s Rice production is higher by 2.21 million tonnes than previous record production of 106.65 million tonnes achieved during 2013-14. It is also higher by 3.44 million tonnes than the five years’ average Rice production of 105.42 million tonnes. Production of rice has increased significantly by 4.45 million tonnes than the production of 104.41 million tonnes during 2015-16.
  1. Production of Wheat, estimated at 96.64 million tonnes is also a record. This year’s wheat production is higher than the previous record production of 95.85 million tonnes achieved during 2013-14.  Production of Wheat during 2016-17 is also higher by 4.03 million tonnes than the average wheat production. The current year’s production is higher by 4.36 million tonnes as compared to Wheat production of 92.29 million tonnes achieved during 2015-16.
  1. Production of Coarse Cerealsestimated at a new record level of 44.34 million tonnes is higher than the average production by 3.00 million tonnes.   It is higher than the previous record production of 43.40 million tonnes achieved during 2010-11 by 0.94 million tonnes. Current year’s production it is also higher by 5.82 million tonnes as compared to their production of 38.52 million tonnes achieved during 2015-16.
  1. As a result of significant increase in the area coverage and productivity of all major Pulses, total production of pulses during 2016-17 is estimated at 22.14 million tonnes which is higher by 2.89 million tonnes than the previous record production of 19.25 million tonnes achieved during 2013-14.  Production of Pulses during 2016-17 is also higher by 4.50 million tonnes than their Five years’ average production. Current year’s production is higher by 5.79 million tonnes than the previous year’s production of 16.35 million tonnes.
  1. With an increase of 8.35 million tonnes over the previous year, total Oilseeds production in the country is estimated at record level of 33.60 million tonnes. It is higher by 0.85 million tonnes than the previous record production of 32.75 million tonnes achieved during 2013-14. The production of Oilseeds during 2016-17 is also higher by 4.34 million tonnes than the five year’s average Oilseeds production. The current year’s production is significantly higher than the production of 25.25 million tonnes during 2015-16.
  1. Production of Sugarcaneis estimated at 309.98 million tonnes which is lower by 38.46 million tonnes than the last year’s production of 348.45 million tonnes.
  2. Despite lower area coverage during 2016-17, higher productivity of Cottonhas resulted into higher production of 32.51 million bales (of 170 kg each) as compared to 30.01 million bales during 2015-16.
  1. Production of Jute & Mestaestimated at 10.06 million bales (of 180 kg each) is marginally lower than their production of 10.52 million bales during the last year.
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