Justice A K Sikri appointed NBSA Chairperson

Justice A K Sikri appointed NBSA Chairperson

New Delhi: May 15: Former Supreme Court judge Justice A.K. Sikri has been appointed Chairperson of the News Broadcasting Standards Authority (NBSA). He will assume office on May 26 and succeed Justice R.V. Raveendran who completes his term on May 25.

In a statement, News Broadcasters Association (NBA) President Rajat Sharma said Justice Sikri’s experience in judiciary and an impeccable record as a judge would strengthen the NBSA.

Justice Sikri has delivered several verdicts in the area of human rights — on transgenders (given the legal status of third gender) and euthanasia (passive euthanasia for patients in permanent vegetative state). Other key verdicts include compensation for people with disability, child trafficking, child labour, juvenile delinquents and others.

The NBSA is a self-regulatory body that implements the Code of Ethics and Broadcasting Standards and Guidelines for its member news broadcasters.

“It is an independent body, which is free from any interference from the NBA,” Sharma said.(IANS)



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