Cuttack: As much as Rs. 29 lakh has been looted by cyber fraudsters from the account of a private hospital in Cuttack, said reliable reports on Wednesday. The email id of the hospital has also been hacked. According to reports, it has been alleged that instead of the appropriate beneficiaries the cyber fraudsters have transferred the money to their own accounts. The cyber police has arrested four people in this connection. It is further worth mentioning that, the cyber police has allegedly launched a search for two other people. The account of the fraudsters has been freezed by the police. Police has further requested the court to allow the money from the account of the fraudsters to be transferred.
A big cyber fraud plan was foiled due to the smart action of Police in the capital city of Odisha on October 16. A fake call center has been busted that was operating in an apartment of Sundarpada. As per reports, devices resembling SIM box have been found from the spot. Police have detained six persons in this connection and interrogating them to find the truth. The fake call centre was being operated at the apartment no. 205 of A Block of the Kanchan Apartment in Sundarpada area.
According to reports, the said call center was being run in the apartment for a long time. After getting information from a solid source, the Cyber police and Airfield Police station personnel conducted raid today. Cyber Thana police are investigating the case to find out who are involved in this racket and since how long it was going on here. Further investigation of the case is underway. It has been learnt that the detained six people were sending links to public for cyber fraud.