Bhubaneswar reports 17 new COVID-19 cases; Also 7 more patients recover today


Bhubaneswar: June 17: 17 new COVID-19 cases have been detected in last 24 hours under Bhubaneswar Municipal Corporation Area. Out of that 14 are Home Quarantine Cases and rest 3 are local contact cases.

7 Railway Officials have tested positive. They are all male having age of 36 years, 40 years,31 years,40 years, 35 years,36 years and 36 years with travel history to Delhi.

34 years Male and 62 years female of Bhimpur, near Airport, have tested positive. They are of same family linked with an earlier positive case with travel history of Delhi.

64 years Male from Bhimpur( Near Maa Shakti Hospital) and 25 years’ male of Dumduma Housing Board Colony, have tested positive and both of them having travel history of Delhi.

20 years’ female and 15 years male of same family also tested positive and they are linked with an earlier positive case with travel history of Delhi.

One case currently under paid quarantine, a native of other district 24 years female linked with an earlier positive case with travel history of Delhi, has tested positive.

Local contact cases are 27 years Male of Naharkanta,32 years’ old Male (Employee of Central Govt.Hospital, Bhubaneswar and 37 years’ old female of Saranpalli, Jayadev Vihar, linked with an earlier positive case, a service provider in private hospital.

Also, 7 patients of BMC area have recovered from the disease today.

149 positive cases have been detected in BMC area till date. Out of which, 81 patients have recovered and 3 persons have died due to COVID.

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