Centre aims to benefit nearly one crore adolescent girls per annum under SABLA Scheme


New Delhi, Dec 11: The scheme Sabla aims at empowering Adolescent Girls (11-18 years) through nutrition, health care and life skills education.
Scheme Sabla has two major components, Nutrition and Non Nutrition.Under the Nutrition component, the out of school AGs in the age group of 11-14 years attending AWCs and all girls in the age group of 14-18 years are provided Supplementary Nutrition containing 600 calories, 18-20 grams of protein and micro nutrients, per day for 300 days in a year.

The non-nutrition component addresses the developmental needs of adolescent girls. Under this component-out of school adolescent girls of 11-18 years are being provided IFA supplementation, health check-up & referral services, nutrition & health education, ARSH counseling/guidance on family welfare, life skill education, guidance on accessing public services and vocational training (only 16-18 year old adolescent girls).

It also aims towards mainstreaming out of school AGs into formal/non formal education. Nearly 100 lakh adolescent girls per annum are expected to be benefited under the scheme. The funds released to states under SABLA scheme during 2014-15 were Rs 61021.36 lakhs and utilisation was Rs 58498.58 lakhs. An amount of Rs 27486.79 lakhs has been released to states under SABLA in 2015-16 till date and amount utilised is Rs 7844.49 lakhs.

The total numbers of beneficiaries under the scheme were 10228911 during 2014-15 and 4868553 in 2015-16 till date

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