Coastal security exercise in Andamans from April 5


Kolkata, April 1: The tri-service Andaman and Nicobar Command will conduct a four-day-long coastal security exercise ‘Tat Suraksha’ from April 5.

This bi-annual exercise will be 13th in the series, wherein, besides validation of standard operating procedures for coastal security of the Andaman and Nicobar islands, various drills and contingencies are also rehearsed jointly between various maritime stakeholders, officials said.

In this exercise, the Andaman and Nicobar district administration, police, marine police force, India Reserve Battalion (IRBn), CISF, customs, fisheries department and other agencies will be involved in the southern and northern groups of islands, they said.

The local populace will also be sensitised about coastal security mechanism of the islands and usage of toll-free telephone number 1093 dedicated for reporting coastal security issues, the officials said.

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