Covid Variant ‘Omicron’ appears more contagious, But Less Dangerous, Says Experts

59 H3N2 Influenza Cases Found In Odisha
59 H3N2 Influenza Cases Found In Odisha
December 6

Omicron-variant appears more contagious, But Less Dangerous

It is now a big question-whether Omicron is more dangerous than Delta or not ? Scientists, Experts, Doctors, have been debating on it since last few days. Cases of Omicron also is increasing day by day.
But, New data published on ‘The Jerusalem Post’, it is said that, Omicron-Variant is more contagious but not as dangerous as other variants.
Prof. Dror Mevorach, a senior physician from Hadassah-Hebrew University Medical Center, has said this.
“We have to say this with a lot of caution, but if we look at the currently available information, there is reason to believe that the variant is spreading fast, but maybe it is not so dangerous,” Mevorach said.
Some experts suggested that if Omicron-variant is more infectious but milder, it could make corona more similar to the flu.
Mevorach agreed, saying “it would really be good news for the world. I think that we have had indications of vaccinated people getting infected, but it appears that their disease is mild.”
The top US infectious disease expert Anthony Fauci said, early data on the Omicron-variant Covid-19 variant is “a bit encouraging” and does not indicate a great degree of danger.
CNN’s ‘State of the Union’ on Sunday, Fauci said, “Though it’s too early to really make any definitive statements about it, thus far it does not look like there’s a great degree of severity to it’.
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