Crocodiles rise in Bhitarkanika


Bhubaneswar, Jan 21: Bhitarkanika National Park has seen an increase of crocodiles to 1671 this year, according to an annual census conducted by the Odisha forest department.

While the numbers have increased to 1671 this year in the national park and its neighboring water bodies, it was 1665 in previous year.

The crocodile census was undertaken from January 13 to 16.

The counting found 597 babies, 342 one-year-olds, 269 two-year-olds, 164 four to five years old and 299 eight-year-old crocodiles in the area.

In Bhitarkanika area 1580 and outside it 91 crocodiles have been identified. In Kanika range area 1284, Rajnagar range 296, Mahakalapada 69, Gahirmatha range 22 have been identified in the counting.

The annual census found in Patsalamukh, Gururapal, Mahisamada, Kuajora, Bhramaramari, Kathua, Balijora, Khola, Thanapati, Ganjaikhia, Kalibhanjapur areas around 18 to 22 foot long 32 gigantic crocodiles.

These crocodiles will be 100 to 120 years old, according to forest officials.

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