New Delhi, Aug 8 (IANS) The National Investigation (NIA) on Wednesday said it had seized fake notes in Rs 2,000 denomination with a total face value of nearly Rs 7 lakh in Bengaluru, Karnataka, and arrested four persons, including a woman.
The NIA Mumbai branch raided Aluru on Tuesday following a tip-off and recovered Fake Indian Currency Notes (FICN) with a face value of Rs 4.34 lakh from M.G. Raju, Gangadhar Kolkar and Sajjad Ali.
“We along with police raided BDA (Bangalore Development Authority) Layout in Aluru following information that a deal in FICN is likely to take place. The three accused were found in possession of 217 FICN of Rs 2,000 denomination.”
NIA Spokesperson Alok Mittal told IANS that the seized notes were similar to genuine Rs 2,000 currency and it was difficult for a lay person to differentiate.
“It is suspected that the counterfeit notes have been printed and smuggled from across the border,” said the official, adding that another NIA raid on Wednesday led to seizure of FICN with a face value of Rs 2.5 lakh from a woman, resident of Srirampur in Bengaluru.
The officials said an FIR was lodged with Bengaluru Police and the smugglers are being interrogated about their handlers and suppliers.