HLC approves assistance of about Rs. 5021 crore from NDRF and NRDWP 


New Delhi, Mar 23: The Union Home Minister Shri Rajnath Singh chaired a meeting of the High Level Committee (HLC) here today for Central assistance to 10 states namely Andhra Pradesh, Assam, Bihar, Himachal Pradesh, Karnataka, Manipur, Rajasthan, Tamil Nadu, Telangana and Uttar Pradesh.

The Committee examined the proposal based on the reports of the Inter-Ministerial Central Team (IMCT) which visited the above states affected by flood/ landslides, cloudburst, hailstorm, cyclones and drought (Kharif).

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The assistance of Rs.5020.64 crore has been approved including Rs.4979.97 crore from National Disaster Response Fund (NDRF) and Rs.40.67 crore from the National Rural Drinking Water Programme (NRDWP).

The HLC approved the assistance to the tune of Rs.584.21 crores for Andhra Pradesh, Rs. 269.40 crore for Assam, Rs.822.96 crore for Bihar, Rs.152.28 crore for Himachal Pradesh and Rs.171.69 crores for Karnataka. The Committee also approved the assistance for Rs. 19.11 crore for Manipur; Rs.370.27 crore for Rajasthan, Rs. 2014.45 crore for Tamil Nadu, Rs.314.22 crore for Telangana and Rs.303.05 crores for Uttar Pradesh.

The Union Minister for Agriculture and Farmers Welfare, Shri Radha Mohan Singh, the Union Home Secretary, Shri Rajiv Mehrishi and senior representatives from NITI Aayog, MHA, Ministry of Agriculture and Ministry of Finance also attended the meeting.

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