ICSSR Sponsored National Workshop at BIMTECH


Bhubaneswar, April 5: Birla Institute of Management Technology (BIMTECH), Bhubaneswar in collaboration with Indian Council of Social Science and Research, New Delhi organized a five-day National Workshop on “Research Methodology For Research Scholars in Social Sciences”, from 4 to  8 April, 2016 with the objective of acting as a platform for researchers to discuss on the methodological requirements of research and to simulate and capture new approaches. It is also aimed at offering an exposure to data analysis techniques using tools like SPSS and MS Excel. The participants are primarily research scholars, consultants and faculty members of Social Sciences and Management discipline from various National and International universities. Reputed resource persons in the field of research methods and SPSS have been roped in for the program.

The course which commenced on 4 April 2016 was inaugurated by Prof. (Dr.) Debendranath Jena, Vice Chancellor, Utkal University of Culture. In his inaugural address Dr. Jena highlighted the serious purpose of conducting research, the pleasure of questioning and discovery during the journey of research. By quoting the renowned Sociologist M.N. Srinivas, he further added about the challenges of conducting research in social science. Dr. Parameswar Nayak, Director, BIMTECH Bhubaneswar welcomed the participants. In his welcome address, he spoke on human curiosity and urged the participants to be focused in their current research.  Prof. D. N. Sansanwal, the key resource person of this workshop, deliberated on the quality and excellence in research in a nutshell. Prof. Balasubramanian, the program coordinator proposed the vote of thanks.

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