IIT Bhubaneswar Celebrates its 9th Institute Day


Bhubaneswar, July 23: IIT Bhubaneswar celebrated its 9th Institute Day in the community Hall at the permanent campus of the Institute, Argul.  The Institute organized its Institute Day for the first time in the permanent campus.  Padma Shri Prof. Kota Harinaryana graced the occasion as Chief Guest.   

In his address to the students and august gathering Prof. Harinaryana emphasized the importance of development of indigenous technology in the field of Military Aviation and least dependence on imported materials.  While sharing his thought and achievement in design of Light Combat Aircraft (LCA) which is now inducted to our defense set up advised students to be more accurate and quality concern in achieving the target.  He reiterated the significance of networking in achieving a product having national importance with highest organizational skills of our people.  The project which lead to the successful launch of a LCA was a massive conglomerated effort of more than 100 institutions, labs, scientific centers.

He inspired the students in inviting their attention for participation in such kind of novel innovations by citing examples of his continued involvement and efforts in contributing to the nation building.

It was proud moment for all the gathering to be a part of this passionate and thoughtful address which compelled the students to interact in various questions and answers sessions with the son of the soil Prof. Harinaryana.

Prof. R V Raja Kumar, Hon’ble Director expressed that the dream of the students has become a reality in staring of the full-fledged activity from its permanent campus as the Institute has shifted its 85% of the activities to the campus.  Director expressed his gratitude and indebtedness to the man behind the successful of LCA, Prof. Harinaryana for kindly agreeing  to grace the occasion.  His contribution to the society will be written in the golden letters for his remarkable achievement in making a fully automatic and indigenously built LCA.

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Prof. V R Pedireddi, Dean, Student Affairs informed the audience that the Institute was very fortunate to have a such a great personality on the auspicious day and it was a coincidence that Prof. Narayana who was born in Berhampur, Odisha has been a part of the great institution which is trying to take shape in the historic foothills of Barunei hills of Odisha.

Dr. S N Panigrahi in his vote of thanks to the Chief Guest expressed heartfelt gratitude for finding some time to be part of the historic occasion from his busy schedule.

Institute Day function was followed by a tree plantation by the Chief Guest and cultural programme organized by the students.


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