Inclusive industrial relations with contract labour in forefront: Dr. Tapan Kumar Chand, CMD, NALCO



Bhubaneswar, Mar 25: “Contemporary industrial scenario is marked by emergence of Knowledge Worker and focus on contract labour. The contract labour is no more a minor partner in industrial growth, but has become a key player and the way of working in the industry” – said Dr. Tapan Kumar Chand, CMD, NALCO and Chairman, CII, Odisha State Council, while addressing CII IR Conclave – 2017. Compensation for contract labour, conditions of service, skill development, safety must be the subject of focus by the industries, since productivity critically depends on productivity of this work force. Policy makers must take notice of the realities and bring in urgent reforms in Contract Labour Regulation and Abolition Act. The IR Conclave was addressed by Chairman, Eastern Region of CII, Shri Umesh Choudhury, Vice Chairman & MD, Titagarh Group of Industries. Shri Choudhury informed that CII has developed a charter on fair and responsive workplace for voluntary compliance by its members and other industries. Shri Devi Prasad Mishra, Hon’ble Minister, Industries, School & Mass Education, Govt. of Odisha, graced the conclave and informed that Govt of Odisha has already reduced the time period of approval for industries from 160 days to 20 days and further plan to reduce it to 15 days. Referring to the suggestion of Dr. Chand, Chairman, CII Odisha State Council for improvement of the employees, he told that besides platform provided under legislative frame work, there should be a focus for industry, govt and unions to sort out employees’ issues through dialogue and discussions. Collaboration and co-operation should replace conflict and confrontation. Odisha enjoys IR peace and stability and IR is a critical parameter for the investors to make Odisha the choice destination of investment. Amongst others, Shri Partha Sarathi Mishra, Co-Chairman, CII Eastern Region IR sub-committee and Chief HR Manager, Gopalpur Project, Tata Steel Limited, proposed the vote of thanks and concluding remarks.

Also Read  NALCO to use UPSC preliminary results for recruitment of non-technical officers: Dr.Chand


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