Inter-State coordination meeting between the Odisha police and Andhra Pradesh police over Left Wing Extremism

Inter-State coordination meeting between the Odisha police and Andhra Pradesh police over Left Wing Extremism

Bhubaneswar: October 05: Inter-State coordination meeting of Andhra Pradesh and Odisha Police on Left Wing Extremism (LWE) was held on Friday at Bhubaneswar. Besides R.P. Thakur, Director General of Police of Andhra Pradesh and Dr. R.P. Sharma, the Director General of Police, Odisha, Intelligence / DIGs of Police Greyhound and Vizag Range, Andhra Pradesh and SWR Range of Odisha, Ss.P of Malkangiri and Koraput District and Commandant, SOG, Odisha attended the meeting.

Wide range of issues including anti – LWE operations in the Inter – State border, intelligence collection and sharing, tactical deployment of Security Forces along the Inter – State border and such other issues were discussed in the meeting.  Both sides discussed the emerging LWE scenario in the Inter – State border following the recent developments in the bordering areas. The meeting focused on enhancing the Inter – State coordination and cooperation, particularly conducting joint operations in the core areas like the Cut – Off area to effectively combat and contain the LWE menace. It also deliberated on the development/infrastructure initiatives to be undertaken in mutual consultation.



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