International Go-Kart Championship (POST EVENT)


International Go-Kart Championship (POST EVENT)

Bhubaneswar, April 7: A team comprising of 20 members named POSIEDON Racing from ITER, S’O’A University who went to attend the International Go-Kart Championship event held in Lovely Professional University, Punjab from 24th-27th March, 2017 returned to Bhubaneswar on 30th March, 2017 with smile on their faces and trophy in their hands.

The team consists of students named Soumya Sumit Dash, Asheem Sahu, Lokabhiram Dixit, Abhisek Pati, Smruti Smarak Mohanty, Rishav Verma, Caberi Sinha, Sivam Sakunia, Shuvendu Mishra, Debasish Choudhury, Kruti Sekhar Sahoo, Sanat Kumar Panda, Sibasish Panda, Soumya Rana, Vishes Jena, Anurag Tiwary, Mahenk Patanaik, Nibhranth Prabhakar, Akansha Saxena, B. Akanksha, Anubhav Parida and Sohan Patel.

They said it had been a great time for them during the event and they felt very proud to represent their college at an International level competition. They had been working for this event since last two months and they also said it feels great when your hard work pays off. Around 40 teams participated in the event from all over the country
and few from outside the country too.

This event consisted of few dynamic tests and a main round named Endurance Race in which ITER, S’O’A University stood as the 1st Runner’s Up for the event and a team from Coimbatore stood as 2nd Runner’s Up.
Abhipraya Tiwari (Faculty Advisor): Students have really done a great job by articipating and being the 1st Runner’s up of the International Go-Kart Championship event. We are looking forward for more of such events in the future so that students can enhance their

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Soumya Sumit Dash (Student Coordinator ): A dream does not become reality through magic , it take sweat , determination and hard work . Success is no accident , it is hard work , perseverance , learning , sacrifice and most of all , love of what you are doing or learning to do.

Asheem Sahu (Student Coordinator): Since last two months we have faced a lot of problems while we started preparing for this event and till last day but at last we succeeded and that is what matters.

Smruti Smarak Mohanty (Student Coordinator): We saw a dream,we did heard work for it & we achived it. It feels awesome to win an International event. It was a great experience to be a part of this successful journey.

Rishav Verma (Student Coordinator and Driver): It was a experience that words can’t define, it can only be felt. As the driver, it was one of the proudest moment for me to make the kart succeed the podium and offer the team a remarkable victory.

Caberi Sinha (Student Coordinator): It was a great experience for us that we could represent our college at an International Level Competition and achieved a good position after competing with so many colleges. No doubt we learned so many things from this event and we are very thankful to our university and all the faculty members who helped us throughout.


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