Bhubaneswar, Dec 27 – Organised by GKCM Odissi Research Centre under the aegis of Department of Tourism & Culture, Government of Odisha the International Odissi Dance Festival got off to a colourful start showcasing varied aspects of Odissi repertoire through the legendary, established and senior dancers of repute who enthralled the audience by their splendid performances.
First afternoon programme was started by the student of Indira Kala Sangit Vishwavidyalaya from Khairagarh University. Next artistes were Sanghamitra Parida from Bhubaneswar, Molina Singh from Bhubaneswar, Ellora Mohanty from USA, Aruni Kumar Patnaik & Anubrata Atulita Patnaik from Bhubaneswar, Ranjabali Dey from Kolkata and Poushali Mukharjee from Kolkata.
Evening programme artistes were Meenakshi Behera from Bhubaneswar, Vinod Kevin Bachhan from New Delhi, Santosh Ram & Samir Kumar Panigrahi from Bhubaneswar, Prachi Hota from Bhubaneswar, Sasmita Mohanty from Bhubaneswar, Virag Reka from Hungary, K. Dhanusha & Ipsita Sahoo from Cuttack, Dipsi Pattnaik from Bhubaneswar, Bandita Ghosal from Bhubaneswar and the programme concluded by the item performed by the students of Odissi Vision Movement from Kolkata. The art lovers of the city are getting more interested who throng in a large number to this International Odissi Dance Festival organized by GKCM Odissi Research Centre.
Shri Ashok Chandra Panda, Hon’ble Minister Tourism & Culture, Shri Manoranjan Panigrahy, Commissioner-cum-Secretary, Culture Department, Shri Amrendra Kumar Patnaik, Director, Culture and Dr. Sangita Gosain, Chief Executive, GKCM Odissi Research Centre were the guests of the evening.