Mumbai: December 7: Starting the pre-wedding functions of the marriage of Isha Ambani and Anand Piramal, the families have started a special four-day ‘Anna Seva’ to feed 5,100 people, a majority with special abilities, from Friday in Udaipur, a family member said.
These people shall be served food three times daily till December 10 as part of the other wedding related ceremonies to be held on Saturday and Sunday.
Today, industrialists Mukesh Ambani and his wife Nita, and Ajay Piramal and his wife Swati, along with Isha and Anand were present at the Anna Seva function, serving and interacting with the people, at the Narayan Seva Sansthan, in Udaipur in Rajasthan.
During the festivities, a specially curated exhibition called ‘Swadesh Bazaar’ shall be set up to showcase 108 traditional Indian crafts and arts form from all parts of India.
As announced in late October, Isha and Anand, both scions of the Ambani and Piramal business families respectively, shall wed as per Indian traditions, customs and culture at the Mumbai residence of the Ambani family. (IANS)