ISIS releases video showing English-speaking child executing rebel fighter


London, Feb 5: ISIS has released a new propaganda video showing a young English-speaking boy beheading an unarmed hostage.

 The video shows the boy – who looks to be aged around 10 or 11 – forcing a man in an orange jumpsuit to kneel in front of him before he brandishes a knife in the air and addresses the US.

 He says: “Oh America, these are the soldiers you armed and you spent money on to fight the Sharia of Islam.

 “We will destroy them as we destroy the Sahawat of Iraq”. He then says the West will meet them “on the hills of Dabiq” before executing the man – believed to be a fighter from Syrian rebel group the Levant Front.

 Dabiq is a town in northern Syria where Isis believe a final battle will take place between Muslims and invading Christians which will bring about the end of the world.

 The 17 minute long video is interspersed with footage of the destruction to buildings and roads caused by Western air strikes. The captive is forced to give an interview in Arabic before being shackled and forced to walk through woodland by the boy to be killed.

 The boy’s identity is unknown and his accent in unclear, meaning it is hard to know what nationality he is. Mail Online believes the boy could be the son of London-born Isis fighter Abu Darda who was killed by a US airstrike in Aleppo in 2014, but there is no confirmation.

 This is not the first time Isis have used children in their videos to heighten global fear.

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 Last month, a young boy – believed to be five-year-old Isa Dare, originally from a Christian family in south London – appeared to say “we will kill the kuffar [non-believers] over there” pointing to a group of hostages about to be executed.

 A UN report last month said the jihadists were systematically using child soldiers in their battles who are “tortured, raped or murdered” if they disobey orders. A Yazidi boy who escaped from the group’s clutches has said there are up to 400 abducted children from the religious minority who were being trained to be suicide bombers.



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