KIMS Organises Refresher Course for Doctors


Bhubaneswar, Nov 26: A Professional Development Course (PDC) in Management, Public Health and Health Sector Reforms for senior-level District Medical Officers (DMOs) from the states of Jharkhand, Chhattisgarh and Andaman & Nicobar Islands was inaugurated by Prof. P. P. Mathur, Vice Chancellor, KIIT University in Kalinga Institute of Medical Sciences (KIMS) on 23rd November 2015. It is the flagship capacity building initiative under NHM / RCH-II.

Funded by Training Division, Ministry of Health Family
Welfare, Govt. of India and supervised by NIHFW, New Delhi, the course
was awarded to KIMS since 2013-14. Total 15 senior-level health
professionals from the two states and one UT are attending the course.
Inaugurating the 10-week programme, Prof. Mathur said, KIIT will extend all possible help to make this important programme a big success.

The Director, NIHFW, New Delhi and Office of the Delegation of European Countries in India sent their best wishes for the course. Among other, the inaugural ceremony was graced by Prof. B. C. Das, Director, KIMS; Mr. P. Parida, Management Representative; KIMS; Prof. S. B. Ogale, Principal; Dr. R. N. Samanta, CEO, PBMH, Prof. R. N. Rout, HOD, Community Medicine, Dr. Sonali Kar, Asso. Prof. Community Medicine and Prof. Pramod Samantray, Sr. Consultant, Professional Development Course.

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