Bhubaneswar, Aug 29: After the incident of a man named Dana Majhi from Odisha’s Kalahandi district, carrying his wife’s corpse for 10 kms, had created an outrage among the people nationally and internationally, the Bahrain Prime Minister Prince Khalifa bin Salman Al Khalifa has extended donation to Majhi and his family through the Indian Embassy.
As per the report from the ‘Gulf Digital News’, after the Royal Highness Prince Khalifa bin Salman Al Khalifa read about the man in an article in the ‘Akhbar Al Khaleej’, the Prime Minister decided to do something to help and has donated a sum of money to help Majhi and his family.
Notably, Dana Majhi’s wife Amang Dei died at Bhawanipatna District Headquarters Hospital at around 2 am on 24th August. Dana, accompanied by his 12 year -old daughter, had taken all pains of carrying his spouse’s corpse on his shoulders for about 10 kms as he was not provided with a mortuary van or an ambulance from the hospital.
Following this incident, a male nurse has been dismissed from his job and for negligence in providing a vehicle to transport the body, the security agency has been disengaged from service.