Minister of Railways issues directions during the Safety Awareness Month


New Delhi, Jan 17: Ministry of Railways had accorded topmost priority to safety and a renewed effort is undertaken to attain the aspiration of ‘zero accidents’ indicated in the last budget speech of Minister of Railways. In pursuance of these objectives Minister of Railways Shri Suresh Prabhakar Prabhu has underlined the need to revisit all safety related issues, reorient the working to address systemic lacunae and to identify and attend all potential vulnerable areas in a comprehensive month long drive so as to prevent further accidents. He has also directed that concrete measures should be undertaken by all the General Managers to bring about a significant improvement in the safety performance of Indian Railways. He emphasized that these measures should be implemented and monitored personally by the General Managers and other concerned officers during the month long  special ‘Safety Awareness Campaign’ which is underway from Jan 5 to Feb 5, 2017.



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