Monsoon in Odisha: 2 Districts receive excess rainfall; Less Rainfall in 6 Districts

Parts Of Odisha May Witness Heavy To Very Heavy Rainfall In Next 48 Hours
Parts Of Odisha May Witness Heavy To Very Heavy Rainfall In Next 48 Hours

October 25

Monsoon in Odisha

Seasonal Rainfall over Odisha during the period 1st June to 30th September 2021 has been 1046.0mm against long term average value of 1155.3 mm based on data of 1961 -2010. Thus seasonal rainfall was within normal range with 90.5 % of long period average (LPA) rainfall over Odisha.

Out of 30 districts two districts received excess rainfall namely Jagatsinghpur (+29%) and Puri (+22%); deficient rainfall observed in six districts namely Jharsuguda (-29%), Sambalpur (-28%), Nawarangpur (-27%), Kalahandi (-27%), Bolangir (-25%) and Jajpur (-24%) and all other 22 districts has received Normal rainfall during the season (1st June to 30th September 2021).

This year monsoon onset over Kerala was on 3rdJune and monsoon set in over Odisha was on 10th June 2021. It covered entire Odisha on 13th June, 2021 which was within normal date

An important feature of this year southwest monsoon season is large excess rainfall in September and higher deficient rainfall in August month. The rainfall over Odisha state during the months June, July, August and September are 3%, 79.8%, 55.9% and 169.8 % of LPA respectively.

Two low pressure areas, one well marked Low and a deep depression & and a Cyclonic Storm (Gulab) consecutively formed in the month of September 2021 which contributed for excess rainfall (169.8% of LPA) over Odisha during the September.

Southwest monsoon has withdrawn from some parts of Interior Odisha on 11thOctober, 2021 and from some from more parts on 12th and it has withdrawn from entire Odisha on 23rd October, 2021. Southwest monsoon withdrawn from entire country on today, 25th October’2021.

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