Nuclear Capable Prithvi-II Test Fired

Chandipur, Nov 21: Nuclear Capable Prithvi-II missile test fired, off the coast of Odisha.​ Having a strike range of 350 km, and capable of carrying 500kg to a 1000 kg warheads, the missile is thrusted by liquid propulsion twin engines. it uses an advanced inertial guidance system with manoeuvring trajectory to blow its target.
​Twin trial of the homegrown nuclear capable ​missile was conducted from a test range at Chandipur. The surface-to-surface missile trial was carried out on a mobile launcher from a launch complex of ITR, said sources. An user trial of the missile was conducted successfully earlier this year.
Developed under the integrated guided missile development, the nine meter tall, single-stage liqui-fuelled Prithvi-II has been introduced into the Indian Armed Forces in 2003 and is the first missile to be developed by DRDO.
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