Number of widows of ex-servicemen stands at 7,40,766 as of Dec 31, 2024: Govt


New Delhi: As of December 31, 2024, the total number of widows of ex-servicemen in the country stands at 7,40,766, the government informed Parliament on Monday.
Minister of State for Defence Sanjay Seth said this in a written response to a query in the Rajya Sabha.
The defence ministry was also asked whether the government regularly revises the monthly assistance provided to these widows, and if so, the details thereof.
“The total number of widows of ex-servicemen in the country is 7,40,766 as on 31 December 2024,” the Union minister said.
State-wise data of widows of ESM was also shared in his written response.
According to the data, 75,821 widows of ex-servicemen were registered in Punjab, 72,071 in Uttar Pradesh, 71,570 in Kerala, and 12,558 in Bihar, among other states and Union Territories.
However, the rank-wise data is not maintained, he said.
The ministry was also asked whether the government regularly revises the monthly assistance provided to these widows and whether the government has reviewed or plans to review welfare measures for war widows and families of armed forces personnel.
“The monthly assistance to widows is being provided as a family pension. A review of family pension is carried out based on the recommendations of the Pay Commissions and acceptance of the same by the government. A Dearness Relief, which is assessed periodically, may result in an increase in the amount disbursed,” Seth said.
“The government reviews the welfare measures for war widows and families of armed forces personnel from time to time,” he added.
The ministry was also asked whether other employment has been provided on compassionate grounds to war widows based on their educational qualifications, and if so, the details thereof.

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