Odisha: 17th Edition of The Dhauli Kalinga Mahotsav

Dhauli Kalinga Mahotsav

The three days (Feb 6th-8th) Festival of Dhauli Kalinga Mahotsav, held at Dhauli Peace Pagoda has finally ended. The festival is a collage of classical music, dance and folk dance forms which represents the various cultural hues of India through the performance of artists from country-wide. This year the festival has entered its 17th year.

The festival is hosted jointly by by the State Culture and Tourism Department and Odisha Dance Academy. There was no such entry fee attached with the festival.

On Saturday, The festival started tremendously with a mesmerising Odissi dance performance presented by Orissa Dance Academy followed by kathak dance from Upasana Centre for Dance from Kolkata. The festival for the day ended with Mayurbhanj Chhau by Anangika. The second evening begun with Bhartnatyam dance form presented by Bhartanjali from Chennai followed by Odissi by Art Vision and the particular night ended with Purrulia Chhau by Kalipada Chhau Nritya Samit. The last evening of the festival started will Kuchipudi presented by Sambhawi School of Dance followed by Odissi by Nrutyanilaya and lastly the festival ended with a thrilling performance of Seraikella Chhau presented by Acharya Chha Nrutya Bichitra.

The whole program was organised keeping all the preventive measures of COVID-19. The festival has been great platform to showcase the classical music and dance in one platform.Besides the tourist this time is the best time visit the Peace Pagoda and enjoy the exceptional classical performance performed many artists, hold wide knowledge on respective art forms.

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