Bhubaneswar: April 06: 18 Samples have tested positive yesterday in Odisha. So the total confirmed Covid 19 positive cases rose to 39 in Odisha. The total number of cases detected in Bhubaneswar crossed 30.
Total number of Covid-19 cases in Bomikhal area has risen to 19. Earlier, on Friday, three members of a family tested positive for COVID-19.
Bhubaneswar Municipal Corporation declared Bomikhal and its adjoining areas as ‘Containment Zone’ and sealed it till further orders.
Health and Family Welfare Department has informed through twitter that almost all coronavirus positive cases from Bomikhal area belong to a single family.
H & FW Dept Odisha (@HFWOdisha) tweeted at 7:39 am on Mon, Apr 06, 2020:
Bhubaneshwar has about 30 active COVID positive cases. Most of them are linked to the first cases confirmed in Surya Nagar and Bomikhal. Almost all cases of Bomikhal are from one family. Both the clusters sealed and put under active surveillance.