Lightning & Thunderstorm Killed Maximum In Odisha In 2021

Odisha Records 213 Deaths Due To Lightning & Thunderstorm
Odisha Records 213 Deaths Due To Lightning & Thunderstorm

January 15

Lightning & Thunderstorm Killed Maximum In Odisha In 2021

As stated by India Meteorological Department (IMD) on ‘Climate of India during 2021’, Lighting and Thunderstorm has claimed 780 lives across India and out of that, 213 deaths recorded in Odisha only.

Madhya Pradesh registered 156 deaths, followed by Bihar 89, Maharashtra 76, West Bengal 58, Jharkhand 54, Rajasthan 48, Uttar Pradesh 49, Tamilnadu 14, Telangana 7, Gujarat 6, Kerala 5, Karnataka 4, Jammmu & Kashmir 4, Chhattisgarh 3 and Haryana 1.

Experts have said, it needs radars in more places to issue area specific lightning and thunderstorm warning. In the current scenario, there are only 2 radars in Odisha-at Paradip and Gopalpur.

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Similarly, as per report, only 3 persons died in Odisha due to Floods, Heavy Rains and Land Slides. In this segment, highest deaths recorded from the state of Maharashtra 215, Uttarakhand 143, Kerala 53, Himachal Pradesh 55, Andhra Pradesh 46, Uttar Pradesh 42, Karnataka 33 and Madhya Pradesh 34.

Likely, in Cyclone category also, Odisha has done fairly well to check death. State has recorded only 4 deaths during the period 2021.

Deaths during Cyclone and all, has been minimized due to the efforts of odisha government and particularly, its  expertise in rescue operation management.

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