November 7
Odisha reported 318 new Covid Positive Cases during last 24 hours. Of which, 58 cases are below 18 years’ age. Also, out of 318 cases, 186 people were in quarantine and rest 132 are local contact cases.
Odisha’s total tally (since the beginning of the pandemic) increased to 1043469. Out of that, 1031850 patients recovered from the disease including 425 new recoveries reported during 24 hours.
Current Active Caseload stands at 3209. In last 24 hours, 62,842 tests have been conducted and Daily Positivity Rate remains at 0.50 percent.
Khurda District reported 139 cases, followed by Cuttack 31 cases, Sambalpur 31 cases, Balasore 14 Cases, Sundergarh 10 cases and 31 cases have been detected from State Pool.
19 districts reported cases in single digits and 6 districts do have new cases in last 24 hours.