One More Omicron Patient Found In Delhi: Total Number Increases To 5


December 5

Omicron Patient Found In Delhi

One more Omicron patient appeared in Delhi. This person admitted to Delhi’s Loknayak Hospital, has came from Tanzania. During the investigation, the new South African strain Omicron of Corona has been confirmed with the passenger. With this, the number of Omicron infected patients has increased to five in the country.

Health Minister Satyendar Jain said, 12 Passengers coming from abroad found to be Covid Positive and after, genome sequencing test of all 12 passengers, the new variant was found in one passenger.

Seven more corona-infected passengers, who arrived at Indira Gandhi International Airport on Saturday from at-risk countries, were sent to Loknayak Hospital. With this, the number of corona infected coming from abroad in the hospital has increased to 19.

Genome Sequencing Report of 12 Persons have come and out of them, one is affected with Omicron. Samples of the remaining seven have been taken for genome sequencing, the report of which will come after three days. According to hospital sources, some women and children are also included in the 19 infected here. All have been kept in separate rooms of the special ward. Where their health is being monitored.

Stay tuned for more updates….

Also Read  22,854 new Corona Positive Cases reported in India in last 24 hours


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