Parents appear before CWC for forceful marriage of minor daughter


Bhubaneswar, Feb 6: The parents of the minor girl who tried to give their minor daughter into marriage appeared before the Child Welfare Committee (CWC), Nayagarh on Friday.

Notably, the parents of a minor girl in Baigunia village of Nayagarh had tried to perform the marriage of their daughter who was rescued by Child Line members and a social activist Linchon Subudhi on Wednesday.

According to sources, marriage of the elder sister of the girl was fixed with a boy but she eloped with someone else before the marriage. To uphold family image the girl, a Class-IX student was forced to marry her sister’s would be husband.

After getting information the Child Welfare members, Linchon Subudhi and district police had arrived at the spot and rescued the girl from getting married.

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