Record Capacity Addition of Wind Power of 5400MW in Last Fiscal

New Delhi, Apr 2: Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE) has set another record in the wind power capacity addition  by adding over 5400 MW in 2016-17 against the target of 4000 MW.  This year’s achievement surpassed the previous higher capacity addition of 3.423 MW achieved in the previous year.

The leading States in the wind power capacity addition during 2016-17 are Andhra Pradesh 2190 MW, followed by Gujarat 1275 MW and Karnataka 882 MW. In addition Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, Tamil Nadu, Maharashtra ,Telangana and Kerala have reported 357 MW, 288 MW, 262 MW, 118 MW , 23 MW and 8 MW wind power capacity addition respectively during 2016-17. These figures are tentative.

During 2016-17 MNRE has taken various policy initiatives in the wind energy sector that includes Introduction of Bidding in Wind Energy Sector, Re -powering Policy, Draft Wind-Solar Hybrid Policy, New Guidelines for Development of Wind Power Projects, etc.

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