Sankranti Damages Chadakhai

Darjeeling, West Bengal, India - June 24, 2022, Fish Market in Darjeeling where many varieties of fishes are kept for sale.

Bhubaneswar: As the much-anticipated festival of Chhadakhai coincides with Sankranti and Saturday today, people’s enthusiasm for non-vegetarian dishes, including fish, crabs, prawns, chicken, and mutton, has noticeably dimmed. However, the non-veg markets are expected to experience a significant surge of visitors tomorrow, as many will indulge in a symbolic ‘Chhadakhai’ to satisfy their cravings.

A local resident from Baramunda shared, “Saturday isn’t a non-veg day for us. We typically enjoy non-veg meals on Wednesdays, Fridays, and Sundays. Tomorrow will certainly be our day to celebrate Chhadakhai.”

Interestingly, some in the community view Saturday as not entirely a vegetarian day. One resident noted, “For a month, our family abstained from non-veg during the holy month of Kartika. Today marks Chhadakhai Tithi, and we intend to honor it fully.”

Reports indicate that while the rush at non-veg markets around the city was initially light, vendors were successfully selling fish, crabs, prawns, chicken, and mutton at favorable prices. Shoppers were also seen purchasing eggs and dried fish.

Worth mentioning, Chhadakhai, observed on the day following Kartika Purnima, marks a return to non-vegetarian dining for those who practiced the Kartika Brata during the month of Kartika, as they finally savor these culinary delights.

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