Shri Rajnath Singh reviewed working of CISF 


New Delhi, Jan 6: The Union Home Minister Shri Rajnath Singh reviewed the working of Central Industrial Security Force (CISF) here yesterday.

During the meeting, DG, CISF, Shri O.P. Singh apprised the Union Home Minister Shri Rajnath Singh about the important issues of CISF such as expeditious approval of augmentation of manpower proposals for important deployments including airports & Delhi metro, budgeting requirements and other important welfare and operational issues of the force. He also explained the emerging needs of appropriate gadgets and equipment especially in Government buildings security, VIP security and during deployment on internal security duties.

Shri O.P. Singh also informed about the Cadre Review proposal (Group A, B & C) for increasing the promotional avenues in various ranks of GOs & NGOs. He further informed that the strength of CISF personnel has been enhanced recently and there is a need for filling up these posts on priority.

Shri Rajnath Singh directed the Ministry of Home Affairs for disposal of all pending proposals on priority, especially those related to the welfare and development of the Force personnel. The Home Minister also appreciated the efforts of CISF personnel in various duties being performed by them.

The Union Home Secretary Shri Rajiv Mehrishi and senior officers of the MHA and CISF were also present.




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