Stitiprajna Sahoo of DAV Public School Chandrasekharpur State topper and ranked 4th in All India with 99.2% of Marks

Bhubaneswar: May 29: Stitiprajna Sahoo of DAV PUBLIC SCHOOL CHANDRASEKHARPUR emerged as the state topper and 4th at all INDIA Level with 99.2% (496 marks) in class 10th CBSE Results published today. She has scored a perfect 100 marks in science and Social science, 99 marks each in mathematics and Sanskrit and 98 marks in English. In this process, DAV PUBLIC SCHOOL CHANDRASEKHARPUR has achieved highest school average with a remarkable 87.61. All 289 students appeared in class 10th exam this year passed, out of which 71(24.57%) secured 95% above, 161(55.71%) secured more than 90%, 283(97.92%) students secured more than 60% marks. Apart from Stitiprajna Sahoo, Saatypragyan Kar with 494 marks (98.8%) and Sushree Ankit with 493(98.6%) marks stood 2nd and 3rd respectively in the school. A large contingent of students secured more than 100 marks in Science, Mathematics, Social Science and Sanskrit. The School average in English 89.52%, in Mathematics 87.18%, in Science 82.13%, in Social science 89.50%  and in Odia 86.88%, in Hindi 90.84% and in Sanskrit 92.95%. Stitprajna Sahoo aims to be an IAS officer after completing Engineering at IIT. The school chairman Shri M.M Panda, Principal Dr. K.C. Satapathy and others congratulated Stitprajna and other meritorious students for this phenomenal achievements.
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