Unknown bike riders attacked six people in Odisha’s capital city


Bhubaneswar, Nov 14: On Sunday evening six people were injured when three miscreants attacked them with a knife. The incident took place at Baramunda-Siripur road in Bhubaneswar.

As per sources, three youths, riding a black Pulsar having no registration number, assailed those six persons following which they sustained injuries on face, neck and hand.

However, the injured were hospitalized in Capital Hospital, Bhubaneswar.

Investigation has begun by the police after reaching the spot and one of the attacker among them named Amit Mohapatra, a student, has been arrested by the twin city police near Rupali square, informed YB Khurania, Commissioner of Police. Manhunt has been launched to nab the other two miscreants, he further added.

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