Waste to Energy Plant by East Coast Railway at Bhubaneswar

Waste to Energy Plant by East Coast Railway at Bhubaneswar

Bhubaneswar: September 30: In an initiative of Swachh Bharat Abhiyan, East Coast Railway is going to establish a Waste to Energy Plant at Carriage Repair Workshop at Bhubaneswar. General Manager, East Coast Railway Shri Vidya Bhushan laid the foundation stone of the Plant in presence of Additional General Manager Shri Sudhir Kumar and Principal Heads of the Departments of East Coast Railway, today.

Lots of non-ferrous scrap is being generated in the Carriage Repair Workshop at Mancheswar, Bhubaneswar which has no efficient method of disposal. As a result, they find their way to landfills, which is environmentally hazardous. Carriage Repair Workshop, Mancheswar has found a way for tackling this problem in a patented technology called POLYCRACK. It is world’s first patented heterogenous catalytic process which converts multiple feed stocks into hydrocarbon liquid fuels, gas, carbon and water. This is the 1st-of-its-kind in Indian Railways and 3rd in India.

Polycrack Plant can be fed with the all types of Plastic, Petroleum sludge, Un segregated MSW with moisture up to 50%, E–Waste, Automobile fluff, Organic waste including bamboo’s, garden waste etc. and Jathropa fruit and palm bunch.

Its process is a closed loop system and does not emit any hazardous pollutants into the atmosphere. The combustible, non-condensed gases are re-used for providing energy to the entire system and thus, the only emission come from the combustion of gaseous fuels. The emissions from the combustion are found to be much less than prescribed environmental norms. This process will produce Energy in the form of Light Diesel Oil which is being used to light furnaces.

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This process has been awarded with the Best innovation Gold Medal in 2007 by Lockheed Martin, Dept of Science & Technology, Govt. of India, FICCI; Best Innovation Gold Medal 2007; Best Innovation Gold Medal 2008; Best Innovation Gold Medal 2009; Nominated for Tech-Museum Awards 2008; Frost & Sullivan – Global Innovation and Leadership Award -2011 and IGCW-2011 – Best Green Chemistry Innovation Award.

This Waste to Energy Plant will be constructed in 04 months and the target date of commissioning of this Plant is January 2020. About 02 Crores will be spent for commissioning of this Polycrack Plant.

Waste generated from Mancheswar Carriage Repair Workshop, Coaching Depot at Bhubaneswar, Railway Station will be feeder material for this plant. This plant will access 500 KG waste materials per day.

This is the first plant in Indian Railways and third in India. The first plant is a small one with capacity of 50 kg/ day. First one is at Moti Bagh, Delhi and the second one is set up by Infosys at Bangalore.






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