Workshop on Holistic Management for Persons with Multiple Disabilities


Bhubaneswar: Feb 09: A two days workshop on “Holistic Management for Persons with Multiple Disabilities” on 6th & 7th February 2017 was successfully organised in Conference Hall of VRCH Bhubaneswar, which is jointly organised by National Institute for Empowerment of Persons with Multiple Disabilities (NIEPMD)-Extension Centre, Bhubaneswar, under Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment, Government of India and Vocational Rehabilitation Centre for Handicapped (VRCH) under Ministry of Labour & Employment, Government of India. Od-ISHA was the implementing partner for the workshop. The programme was inaugurated on 6th February 2017 by Shri Niten Chandra, IAS, Principal Secretary to Government, Department of Social Security and Empowerment for Persons with Disabilities (SSEPD), Government of Odisha, as the Chief Guest and Shri Mahendra Mallick, IAS, Director- Odisha Primary Education Programme Authority (OPEPA), Government of Odisha and Shri Ram Kishor Sharma, Assistant Director (Employment), VRCH, Bhubaneswar and Shri Mahendra Saraf, first Audiologist of Odisha as Guest of Honour on the Dias. During the two days of workshop, features & utilities of National Career Service Portal, various scientific sessions on occupational therapy, speech and hearing therapy, alternative & augmentative communication, vocational training programmes for Persons with Multiple Disabilities, and other holistic approaches were discussed. On the second day of the workshop a Valedictory session, where Dr. Minati Behera, State Commissioner for PwDs was the Chief Guest and Dr. Nachiketa Rout, Associate Professor-NIEPMD, Chennai & Shri Ram Kishor Sharma, was the Guest on Dias. At the end, Shri Sharma proposed vote of thanks to the guests and participants and the workshop was concluded followed by a cultural ceremony. The senior members of PARIVAR were also present. The entire team led by Shri Siba Prasad Sahoo coordinated the entire workshop.

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