102 Villages Electrified Last Week; 11,429 Villages Electrified till date under DDUGJY


New Delhi, Dec 26: 102 villages have been electrified across the country during last week (from 19th to 25th December 2016) under Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Gram Jyoti Yojna (DDUGJY). Out of these electrified villages, 17 villages belong to Assam, 9 to Bihar, 10 to Chhattisgarh, 29 to Jharkhand, 5 to Manipur, 30 to Odisha and 1 each to Madhya Pradesh and Rajasthan.

An update on ongoing electrification process: –

In view of the Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi’s address to nation, on Independence Day, Government of India has decided to electrify remaining 18,452 un-electrified villages within 1000 days i.e. by 01st May, 2018.  The project has been taken on mission mode and strategy for electrification consists of squeezing the implementation schedule to 12 months and also dividing village electrification process in 12 Stage milestones with defined timelines for monitoring.

11,429 villages have been electrified till date. Out of remaining 7,023 villages, 698 villages are uninhabited. 3,775 villages are to be electrified through grid, 2,502 villages to be electrified through off-grid where grid solutions are out of reach due to geographical barriers and 48 villages are to be electrified by State Government.

Total 1654 villages were electrified during April 2015 to 14th Aug 2015 and after taking initiative by Government of India for taking it on mission mode, 9,775 additional villages have been electrified from 15th August 2015 to 25th December, 2016. In order to expedite the progress further, a close monitoring is being done through Gram Vidyut Abhiyanta (GVA) and various actions are also being taken on regular basis like reviewing the progress on monthly basis during the RPM meeting, sharing of list of villages which are at the stage of under energization with the state DISCOM, identifying the villages where milestone progress are delayed.

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Source: PIB


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