27.38 lakh children screened under RBSK in Odisha


New Delhi: May 06: Under National Health Mission 27.38 lakh children were screened and 1,17,714 availed secondary and tertiary care in Odisha and 11.6 crore children were screened across India so far. The Government of India is implementing Rashtriya Bal Swasthya Karyakram (RBSK) for screening of all the children from 0-18 years of age including school children for 4 Ds i.e. defects, Deficiencies, Diseases, and Development delays including disability. The aim of the program is early detection and management of the 4Ds prevalent among children. It is proposed to cover 27 crores children in a phased manner. Children identified with these conditions are provided free treatment including surgery. At present 32 States/UTs of the country are implementing this initiative. The Health Minister, J P Nadda stated this in a written reply in Lok Sabha.

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