Nayapalli apartment residents panic as well-water catches fire in Odisha capital


Bhubaneswar, Jan 16: In a bizarre incident, residents of a building located in the Nayapalli area here panicked and saddened when the water of a well in the premises of the apartment caught fire as soon as a burnt matchstick was brought in contact, thus leading to misery among the residents. It’s stated that the residents of the building sensed a petrol like smell as they pulled out water from the well. To be full sure about the origin of the petrol smell, the residents showed a matchstick to the water kept in a vessel and immediately the water flared up. It has been alleged by the apartment inhabitants that the well water smells like petrol due to the setting up of a fuel pump close to the building. However, the fuel pump authorities declined that there has been any leakage in their system.

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