Olive ridley’s create history: Lay record breaking 3.5 lakh eggs


Bhubaneswar, Feb 21:  Yes its a record again. The endangered Olive ridley turtles have laid 3.5 lakh eggs on the Odisha coast this year in a span of one week.

This year’s mass nesting of the olive ridley turtles has laid over 3.5 lakh eggs in Rushikulya river mouth of Ganjam coast. The number shows the counting till sunday morning. After the later counting process ends, the numbers may go upto 4 lakhs. Comparison to last year’s 3,09,000 eggs, this year has been an all time record breaking situation, said sources.

While there is a very high security in the region by the forest officials for smooth and safe egg laying process, they have made all arrangements with fencing coast, patrolling, observation camps etc for protection of the species.

Fishing boats and trawlers are also restricted entry to the zone.

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