New Delhi, Nov 6 Supplementation of Vitamin D improves vascular function and reduces inflammation in patients with early stage of chronic kidney disease, according to a new study.
Simple identification and correction of Vitamin D deficiency has the potential to improve the outcomes among kidney patients, said the study conducted by researchers from the George Institute for Global Health, New Delhi and the Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education and Research, Chandigarh.
The study has been presented at the ongoing American Society of Nephrology Kidney Week 2015 (November 3-8) in San Diego.
In a randomised controlled trial, under direct supervision, the researchers gave two doses of 300,000 units of Vitamin D to one group (consisting of 60 patients) eight weeks apart whereas the patients in the other group (60 patients) received matching placebo.
Several parameters of vascular function and biomarkers to measure status of inflammatory and immune activation were studied at baseline and after 16 weeks, Vitamin D levels increased in patients in the active treatment group whereas there was no change in the control arm.
Vitamin D deficiency is common in patients with chronic kidney disease.