Revenue Collection from Mining and Vehicle Taxes shows highest growth in Odisha

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Bhubaneswar: August 10: States fiscal performance shows an upward trend by end of July of the current fiscal year in both its major components  of revenue generation and  utilization of budgeted allocation. This was   known from all Secretaries meeting held under the Chairmanship of Chief Secretary Sri Aditya Prasad Padhi in secretariat conference hall today in which Principal Secretary Finance Sri Ashok Kumar Meena outlined the financial updates of the State for discussion. Reviewing fiscal performances of various departments up to July 2018, Chief Secretary Sri Padhi directed the departments to implement the developmental projects in convergence with DMF in major mining districts. Sri Padhi also directed the departments to avail all required clearances against the Government buildings being constructed in different parts of the State. Additional Chief Secretary and Development Commissioner Sri R. Balakrishnan advised for preparation, sanction and implementation of more need based projects under District Monetary Fund (DMF).

Review of the fiscal performance showed that budget utilization on different plans, programmes and schemes up to July, 2018 has been  Rs.17983 cr thereby showing the growth of more than 10% over corresponding period of  last fiscal year.  The Social sector spending by end of July of current year has grown by 23%  (with actual spending of Rs.9544cr)   over the corresponding period of l2017-18.  The projects under this head are executed and monitored through the departments of School & Mass Education, ST & SC Development, Health & Family Welfare, Panchayati Raj & Drinking Water, Women & Child Development and Mission Shakti, Higher Education, Skill Development and technical Education, Social Security and Empowerment of Persons with Disability. Similarly, the expenditure under agriculture & allied sector has reached Rs.3516 cr and the expenditure in infrastructure sector has touched Rs.2840 cr. Similarly, the expenditure in agriculture & allied sector and infrastructure sector has reached Rs 3993 cr and Rs3245 cr respectively.

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Keeping pace with the expenditure, the total revenue generation has also grown around 33% by end of July, 2018.  The total revenue generation by July end in last fiscal year (2017-18) was around Rs.9807 cr against which current year collection up to same period has been Rs. 13015 cr. The revenue from own tax sources during current fiscal has grown by 27% with total collection of Rs.9536 cr and the revenue from non-tax sources have grown by 51% with a total collection of Rs.3479 cr.

The revenue generation from Mining Royalty and Vehicle taxes has shown highest increase of around 72% and 42% respectively. The total collection from mining royalty has been around Rs.3039 cr against last years’ collection of Rs.1769 cr up to July end. Similarly, the revenue collection from vehicle tax has grown up to Rs.571 cr against last years’ collection of Rs.404 cr. during the same period.

Available data show, Odisha as a leading state in DMF collections has generated around Rs.5013 cr up to July, 2018. So far, 8163 number of projects in the sectors of physical infreastructre, irrigation, energy, watershed, afforestation and others have been sanctioned under the fund. An amount of Rs. 3047 cr has already been allotted against these projects.

Development Commissioner Sri R. Balakrishnan, Agricultural Production Commissioner Sri Gagan Kumar Dhal,  Additional Chief Secretary Home Sri Asit Kumar Tripathy, Additional Chief Secretary Micro Small & Medium Enterprises Dr Laxmi Narayan Gupta along with Principal Secretaries , Secretaries and Special Secretaries of all departments participated in discussions.

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