Odisha Government to provide input subsidy to farmers

Odisha Government to provide input subsidy to farmers

Bhubaneswar: October 19: Odisha Government decided to provide input subsidy to farmers affected by Cyclone TITLI and subsequent flood.

Special Relief Commissioner (SRC) directed the concerned district collectors and the Agriculture department to submit a detailed report after making field visits to affected districts.

As per the decision, input subsidy will be provided to farmers based on the report submitted by the concerned officials of district administration and Agriculture department.

Joint Relief Commissioner Prabhat Ranjan Mohapatra today said the Special Relief Commissioner (SRC) has directed Collectors of all affected districts and the Agriculture department to conduct field inspection and submit reports in this regard soon. On the basis of the reports, input subsidy will be provided to the affected farmers.

Mohapatra further said, ‘The subsidy will be given to maximum 2 hectares of land. As decide, Rs 13,500 per hectare will be given to the affected farmers for irrigated land and Rs 6,800 for non-irrigated land’.




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