Dharmendra Pradhan calls for expediting drought relief measures for Odisha


New Delhi, Dec 11: Joint Secretary, Ministry of Agriculture K.S. Srinivas met Dharmendra Pradhan, Minister of State (IC) for Petroleum & Natural Gas.

Srinivas who led the Central team visit to Odisha briefed the Minister about the visit and the impact of drought on the farmer community and agriculture of Odisha.

Pradhan requested that the Ministry of Agriculture should expeditiously submit its report. This will facilitate speedy disbursal of financial grant and associated compensation to the distressed farming and agrarian community of Odisha.

The Minister also stressed upon the need to favourably consider the demand of the State Government with respect to input subsidy claims and modifying the NREGS guidelines, which inter-alia include increasing the wages and number of mandays under the scheme.

He also suggested that the request of the State Government with respect to providing financial relief to the farmers by way of providing moratorium on repayment of loan and request for seeking interest subvention should also be favourably considered.

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