Another student ends life; MP registers 20th suicide in 2016


Bhopal, March 17: A Class 9 student Haneef Shah of Ramlal Sharma School, Hoshangabad, committed suicide on Wednesdayafternoon by hanging himself in his house. With this, the toll of student suicides has reached 20 in less than three months in Madhya Pradesh.

Haneef’s exam ended on March 12 and his result was due onMarch 21. “We did not find any suicide note at the site but his mother told us that the boy was tensed about his result “ said sub inspector, Anoop Uikey, Kotwali police station

The boy was under stress and was also denied to participate in a family wedding. Few days ago he had told his mother that if his result did not turn out well, he will hang himself, said sources. In 2014, 645 students ended their lives in the state according to National Crime Record Bureau.




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