Burn Unit at Bhubaneswar AIIMS with Financial Support of NTPC

Burn Unit at Bhubaneswar AIIMS with Financial Support of NTPC

Bhubaneswar: March 13: Bhumi Pujan Ceremony was held for construction of Burn unit at AIIMS Bhubaneswar on 12th March with financial support by NTPC Limited under CSR as per MOU signed for setting up an exclusive    BURNS CENTRE having 35 beds with special ICU and OT for burn patients .This burn centre shall be a state of Art entity not only for Odisha but also for eastern region of our country. NTPC shall fund Rs 14.87 Crores as a part of its CSR initiatives .On the occasion of the Bhumi Puja ceremoney Dr.Gitanjai Batmanabane ,Drector AIIMS ,Bhabneswar ,Dr SN Mohanty Speritendent,Dr Sanjay Giri,Burn and Plasic surgery, Shri BB Tripathy ,GM(OS) from NTPC limited were present.

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